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Hva er Phronesis? / What is Phronesis?

Phronesis SA er et ikke-kommersielt konsulentsamvirke med sete i Oslo.


Samvirkeselskapets formål er å initiere og delta i aktiviteter innenfor prosjektledelse og prosjekt partnerskap, opplæring i et livslangt læringsperspektiv, veiledning og rådgivning, presentasjoner, undervisning og gjennomføring av workshops og dialoggrupper.


The Phronesis SA – a co-operative partner

Phronesis SA is a non-profit co-operative consortium situated in Oslo, Norway established April 25, 2018 with the Norwegian registration number 920 589 782.

The purpose of Phronesis SA is to initiate and take part in activities connected to project management and project partnerships, education in a lifelong learning perspective, local community development and cooperation, community public health issues, promoting active and quality ageing, counselling and advice, presentations and lectures, workshops and study visits.

Members of Phronesis SA are mostly senior advisors and professionals with both educational and practical background and competence in adult education, pedagogy, project management, economy, sustainability issues, SME management, public health care, youth at risk, children with special needs and rehabilitation of drug addiction, culture and communication and presentations through video and photo.

Phronesis SA can as a non-profit organisation be partner and/or coordinator of different projects on local, national or international level. Depending on the profile of a project, Phronesis SA will select members belonging to our cooperative to take part. Due to transparency, we normally request that we participate with two persons in projects.

Our members have been and still are engaged in national or European project – both EU-based like Erasmus + and EEA/Norway Grant Projects – in countries like Romania, Portugal, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany and Hungary. Some also have a long track record with previous EU-programs like Grundtvig and Leonardo da Vinci and with Nordic cooperation.

Phronesis SA has per September 2019 14 members.

Home page:

Oslo in September 2019

Mr Sturla Bjerkaker

President/main contact person

Phone: +47 90606289

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